Welcome to the FatFIREClub

Inner Circle

Network and Grow with Like-Minded People


Hi! I'm Jim Chuong, investor, author, and self-made multi-millionaire. 

I reached Financial Freedom in my early thirties by making systematic investments in stocks and real estate. No tricks. Just smart, safe financial strategies that anyone can replicate.

Now I'm here to educate and help others reach Financial Freedom too.

read more ... ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Do you want a better Network? 

one that can help your Net Worth...

For so many people, it's hard to find like-minded people with the same goals as you - especially when it comes to making Money.

Talking about money is a weird taboo society has.

Everyone wants more of it, but so few are willing to talk about it. And even fewer, actually know what they're talking about.

The path to Financial Freedom can be lonely and confusing

It's so common to hear about someone losing thousands or tens of thousands from making avoidable mistakes.

If only they had known a little more - had a little more support. Or had someone they could ask questions and give them clarity...

"I really don't have anybody but myself. I've been learning everything all on my own which has been great but also challenging. Around here people don't like to talk money, don't offer great solutions, nor great ideas" - (a reader from Canada)

I hear this over and over.

I've been there myself. When I first started out, trying to learn about stocks, real estate, or anything finance-related was hard. 

Luckily I had a friend, Steve, who was passionate about building wealth too  

And that made all the difference in the world. Together we helped each other learn, grow, and achieve Financial Freedom.

Today, we're both very successful. But looking back, the path would have been way easier and faster with a bigger network. With more mentors. And with a community of support.

That's why we're creating ...

a Network for people seeking Financial Freedom

It's something we wished we had when we were coming up.

So now we're building it. A community for like-minded people to share strategies, insights, and encouragement. A place where everyone helps each other achieve their goals.


The FatFIRE Club

Inner Circle 

If you're interested in a group that will:

  • Educate you
  • Push you to grow
  • Help you Elevate Your Game & Level Up
  • Increase your Confidence
  • Keep you on Track
  • Keep you Motivated
  • Hold you Accountable
  • Expand your Horizons & Way of Thinking
  • and much more

then this Inner Circle is for you!

Join now and you'll get access to: 

  • Monthly LIVE Coaching Calls: hosted by me (Jim), where I'll discuss relevant topics and answer questions from the group
  • A Community Hub/Discussion Forum: where the group can share strategies, tips, stories, and encouragement on anything and everything to do with wealth creation: stocks, real estate, side hustles, career advancement, etc. 
  • Video Library: All past meetings, tutorials, and topics are archived for you, to be reviewed or watched at any time.

Growing Value 

The value of this community will grow over time, as the membership grows - with more knowledge, experts, and opportunities added to the group. 

And, as we discover the best ways to serve you, we'll add features like mini-courses, tutorials, interviews, guest speakers, etc.  

So the cost to join in the future will go up.

But you can join now and lock in your membership at today's pricing:

Monthly Membership


per month (USD)

charged monthly

Future Pricing $99.97

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6 Month Membership


per month (USD)

charged bi-annually

Future Pricing $89.97

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Yearly Membership


per month (USD)

charged yearly
Most popular Option

Future Pricing $79.97

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This is for you, if...

  • You want to take a powerful step that will turbocharge your journey to financial freedom
  • You want the inside scoop on what others are doing to create wealth and success - what's working for them and what's not 
  • You want to network with other like-minded people and share ideas, encouragement and strategies so that everyone can win together
  • You want access to LIVE group coaching calls with me (Jim) on a monthly basis, where I can help you with any questions you have about your current situation
  • you want to be part of a group that can help keep you motivated
  • you want to be part of a group that can help keep you on track 
  • you want to be part of a group that can help you level up and expand your mindset

This is NOT for you, if...

  • You are a negative person that doesn't like to help others
  • You already know everything and don't ever need any help or a second opinion on anything
  • You don't believe being around positive, supportive go-getters can help you in any way
  • You think a small meal at McDonalds is worth more than being part of our Inner Circle.

the choice is yours:

Monthly Membership


per month (USD)

charged monthly

Future Pricing $99.97

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6 Month Membership


per month (USD)

charged bi-annually

Future Pricing $89.97

Get Started

Yearly Membership


per month (USD)

charged yearly
Most popular Option

Future Pricing $79.97

Get Started

IMO, the choice is simple. You get incredible value, for an insanely low price! It couldn't be easier. 

If you've been looking to make a change in your life, here's your chance to make it happen! 

I hope to see you on the inside...

Jim Chuong

Frequently Asked Questions

More About Jim and Steve

Cyrus Sukhia, Director, BMO Capital Markets

Jim and Steve are each brilliant when it comes to personal finance and investing. I've known them for decades now, and whenever these guys have money ideas, I always pay close attention! They are both highly accomplished investors, and between the two of them, they have a tremendous wealth of knowledge and experience in the stock market, real estate, and business in general!

Lawrence Kenshin, Social Media Expert, MMA Analyst

Steve has an incredible amount of investing knowledge. He's beaten the market throughout his investing career with safe, value investing strategies. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have started investing and I definitely would've made a lot more bad choices. If you want to be financially free, and safely make your money work for you, then Steve is the guy you want to listen to!

Nicole Victoria, Money Coach - NoBudgetBabe

Jim is an incredible source of knowledge when it comes to financial literacy and education, and has a ton of knowledge when it comes to US stocks and real estate. We recently brought Jim in as a guest to our group program, and our participants loved him! He has a knack for communicating complex financial concepts in a fun and easy to understand way - I could talk to Jim for hours!

Vithushan N, Sr. Software Engineer

I just had a coaching session with Jim and Steve, and it went amazingly well! These guys have so much knowledge that they want to share. They were able to very easily able to identify where I was in the process of achieving financial freedom. They gave me actionable insights and scripts that I could use in my real life to help me get to the next level. We talked about a bunch of things, from real estate investing to career maximization. They just have a lot of experience that they want to share, and I'm just very excited to learn from them and see what they have in store next!

Cole Correia, Business Development Representative

As someone who lives to learn. I’m happy I’ve been able to find people who are willing to help you grow. Jim has allowed me to learn financial education on a simple and understandable level. With his knowledge and experience in real estate and US stocks he has been able to teach me an entire new realm of information. I’d urge anyone to simply reach out to Jim, as he has been known to offer guidance through his book recommendations and overall responsiveness.

Myrna Bergen, Executive Clinical Specialist

I've had the pleasure to know and work with Jim for almost 2 decades now. He always impressed with his knowledge of US stocks and real estate, and he would always share his knowledge acquired after shareholders meetings and other sources with me. He's very adept at communicating financial concepts and investment strategies at all levels for investors, and I'm thrilled that he's following his passion for educating financial literacy to benefit the general public. He's well worth your time and consideration. Especially now is the time to get smart about your future.

Zaid Rasid, Design Consultant

Steve is one of the brightest minds I have encountered. I’ve had the opportunity to be mentored by him in many areas, from finance, to fitness. I was lucky to be enrolled in one of his intensive coaching programs focusing on leadership, communication, and team building. From that program I developed valuable, real world skills that helped me both professionally and personally. Steve is a wealth of knowledge in many domains. He has a knack of being an excellent communicator with the ability to break down complex ideas into simple solutions that are easy to grasp and adopt. I look forward to continuing to learn from Steve.

Ron Cuttler, Builder & Investment Specialist, Berkshire Hathaway Homes

I have known Jim for over 10 years. He began investing in real estate in Phoenix after the financial meltdown in the US when everyone was panicking. With everyone abandoning housing and values plummeting, Jim dove right in and invested near the bottom of the market with values down over 70% from their 2005 highs. Since then, we've seen prices double and triple and rents rise significantly, returning exponential returns to investors brave enough to invest at the right time. Jim has shown a great understanding and ability to evaluate investments and make great decisions based on market dynamics, not herd mentality and emotions.

Jordan Highley, Money Coach - MakeMoreCapital

Jim has been an excellent resource and guide for me on the topic of money. He is experienced not only in the US markets but especially in US real estate where he made his largest investments and set himself up to retire early. He has a deep understanding of financial literacy which helps him simplify complex financial concepts in a way that makes them easy and digestible for the average person to understand. You're in great hands with Jim!


Besides having over 600,000 social media followers, Jim has also been featured in: